Spring has sprung
Oh gosh does it feel good to have a little sunshine in our faces!! Even though there is still that nip in the air (ok winter cold…. toddle on) My newly planted flowers, shrubs, and herbs down at The Fairy Glen will need that bit of sun to get them going so if you are staying with us and would like to do a little bit of gardening – I do not mind in the slightest :)) There is watering to do (if not too much rain) checking for pesky green fly and caterpillars (We have a few friendly ones hanging around, they are ok to stay!) and weeding. Also wild rabbits oh they are super cute but boy are they natures destructors. Savages! Marti and Gerry do a good job keeping them on their toes. There is plenty of grass around here so work away with that and leave my plants and flowers alone….I want the guests to enjoy these. Nothing quite like colour of flowers in Spring and Summer to lift the spirit. Speaking of that we have just finished our latest cabin….no not for sleeping but for Wellness. It is an infrared sauna with a cold shower for after or an ice bath if you are brave enough. This will be for adults only…..a super healthy way to relax, and rejuvenate! Sign me up 🙂 Enjoy the sun and get planting.

As always Take Care
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